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Commonwealth Garden


The Commonwealth Garden (CG), a project of the Frank R. Howard Foundation, mission is to be a model of sustainable gardening that will provide organic food and a place for rejuvenation, while promoting educational outreach and community health awareness within a hospital setting. The five-acre food production garden is located in an area designated as open space on the land donated to the new medical campus. The garden project is a collaboration dedicated to community, agriculture, and education with the purpose of restoring the connection between our health and the food we eat.




Christopher's Healing Knoll


Christopher’s Healing Knoll and its development, approximately 2-acres of the 5-acre garden site, became possible through a donation from William and Judith Bailey in memory of their son Christopher Bailey. It is with a deep sense of gratitude that this garden moves forward as a way of thanking the Bailey’s by manifesting their wish to provide a place of rest, rejuvenation, and reflection for all those who serve or find themselves in a hospital setting.


Gratitude also goes to the many local businesses that have made in-kind donations to the garden which have made and continue to make continued infrastructre development of the garden possible: Sparetime Supply, Sanhedrin Nursery, Dripworks, MCS Construction, Pete and Danny Miechelic, Ron's Quality Construction, Cold Creek Compost; and to those I may not have mentioned.


As well, three Community Foundation of Mendocino County grants have been awared to the Commonwealth Garden that, in part, have help fund the construction of the greenhouse, as well as the completion of the produce stand. 

Sincere thanks goes to the countless volunteers and community members who continue to provide support and for the many donations given that are necessary to support a project of this size.


The Frank R. Howard Foundation and Commonwealth Garden are deeply grateful for the support and generosity that they continue to receive.


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